Event: Singapore

ABS Anniversary Dinner

23 Jun 2023

Group photo

Lim Heng Hai, the Group CEO of TechCreate, was honored to be invited to the 50th Anniversary dinner of the The Association of Banks in Singapore(ABS) on June 23, 2023. This event held great importance for the bankers from ABS member banks, as it marked the first large gathering since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2019.

In commemorating the significant achievement of reaching 50 years, we express our deep appreciation to Mrs. Ai Boon Ong, Director of ABS, for her remarkable 40-year tenure and exemplary leadership of the ABS Permanent Secretariat. We are also indebted to the industry pioneers whose invaluable contributions have laid a robust foundation for the prosperity of the banking sector.

Furthermore, we would like to extend our warm congratulations to Mrs. Ong Ai Boon on the successful publication of her book. This remarkable publication shares her experiences and insights garnered during her tenure as the Director of the ABS Secretariat. It is a testament to her expertise and dedication to the industry.

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